Saturday, 11 April 2020

Activities to do while practicing physical distancing

I thought I would share some ideas of activities to do while being safe & physical distancing while Covid-19 measures are in place. Please add more ideas in the comment section or drop me an email so I can add your suggestions -- to make this a sharing, caring and collaborative spot to exchange ideas.
  • Create or revise your social media presence (Linked-in, facebook) to make it professional 
  • Research companies you want to work for in the future and connect via linked-in
  • Read scholarly articles through harvard business review, forbes, Ivey etc. to get prepared for the upcoming semester
  • Get your resume together and you can send it to me via email but please allow up to a week to review as it is exam time, etc.
Don't be too hard on yourself during these interesting (challenging) times. Are there any other ideas that helped you occupy yourself and keep one busy?
Please share on the comment section below


  1. Thank you for your post, Ms. Anita. There are some free courses about a wide range of topics on Edx or Udemy for people to gain new knowledge and skills.

  2. Thanks Nguyen for taking the time to review the post and for mentioning the great websites above for courses. The other course websites that are free or next to free are as follows:
    days. Coursera is one and the "Great Courses" link below.

    I recommend taking the conflict resolution/negotiations as it is excellent for Labour Relations course, negotiating your job offer, even bargaining for the purse at a flea market.
