It must be a sign; in the last two minutes I read a twitter from Jonathan Holowka @jholowka about social media etiquette and then a post by Pam Moore on Twitter etiquette and how to get retweeted. This inspired me to write something on common civility in life, work and social media. All are intertwined and it helps if we follow basic guidelines in our everyday interactions with others. Both the blog and tweet resonated as etiquette takes common sense but sometimes we step over the line of what is inappropriate.
Here are some useful websites on social media etiquette. If you know of any others please comment below.
This website had an interesting suggestion advising not to drink wine and tweet. (I have to put my Bordeaux down now)
Chris Brogan has a common sense approach to using social media - great job!
Tamar Weinberg mentions some faux pas and provides correct usage on different social media platforms like Twitter, YouTube, etc.; a must read.
My social media motto is to: give, give and then give again. My guidelines are to try to follow those who have similar interests, professional backgrounds, and potential clients/employers. The reason I follow these individuals is that I want to know more about them and learn about their interests. Hopefully, I can incorporate their passions to mine and vice versa. It helps if you understand who your audience is and then cater to them. What works for me is to pretend my followers are coming over to dinner and I am serving them a delicious meal, some good wine and [hopefully] interesting conversation.
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