Saturday, 17 March 2012

Facebook snooping more accurate than personality tests, but is it legal?

The power of social media and networking never ceases to surprise me of who you meet on-line, phone and in-person.  I received a call the other day from a journalist, Caitlin Nobes, at the Human Resources Daily on my opinion of using social media on the future of reference checking.  I was quoted on the article  Facebook snooping more accurate than personality tests, but is it legal? all thanks to leveraging social media.

Thank-you Caitlin for posting my viewpoint and adding me to this article.  I highly recommend reading Human Resources Daily to my colleagues, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in learning more on HR.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Presenting on Social Media Marketing Trends

I am announcing that I will be attending as a panelist at a round table event on businesses leveraging social media at the Canadian Association of Management Consultant on Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 5:30 pm.  The event has a wordy title Learn about and discuss using Traditional and new Marketing Methods in your Market Strategy and is geared towards consultants, private and public organizations and anyone interested in using social media for their marketing campaigns.  More details to the event held in Toronto can be found at the below link.

I will be presenting with Allan WilsonPromod Sharma and Jonathan Holowka.  


Sunday, 5 February 2012

I am a 10: Walking to End Women's Cancers

I am proud to say--I am a 10!

Do you want to be a BE A 10?

A 10 is anyone who is walking with us in the 2012 Weekend to celebrate 10 years strong. Join me to commemorate the monumental decade of difference The Weekend has made for all women.

I walk in honour of those we've lost and the lives we?re saving each day. Some of us have been walking since The Weekend's inaugural year in 2003, while others are just beginning their Weekend journey. 

My commitment is based on love and my realization that we each need to do our part in this fight. I can walk. I can raise funds to benefit The Campbell Family Institute at The Princess Margaret, a leader in the fight against all women's cancers. I can and choose to be a part of this movement to save lives.

I ask you to join my Circle For Hope. Whether you?re a Survivor yourself or walking for a loved one or walking for all women.

Be a part of my very personal journey - by giving, by walking with me, or simply by sharing my story with your circle of influence, and discover YOUR inner 10!

Please support me in 2012 by donating on my page at End Cancer website.

Thank-you for BEING A 10!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Hosting a Webinar: "Recruitment - The Future is Social"

I am so pleased to write in my post that I am co-hosting with my colleague Jonathan Holowka,, on how human resources can leverage social media on their recruitment initiatives.  

For those who are interested in learning how HR can leverage social media feel free to sign up for the free event through you can download the slide deck (.ppt) at a later date.

To join this FREE event on Tuesday, January 10th, 12:30-1:30pm "Recruitment-The Future is Social"  you may register by signing up at the following website